Immediately, Dr Ong took over to clean him. As described by hubby, they used a towel to rub him so hard that he turned from greyish colour to red instantly. Then he put the tube into baby's mouth/throat, I presume to draw out the muscus so that the airway is cleared and he can breath?? Shortly after we can hear the 1st cry!! Oh my..
Because he was so bent up inside, his knees were 'forcefully' straightened.. hubby later told me it all seem so 'cruel' kekeke...
When cleaned up, Dr Ong carried the baby to me so that I can carry him for awhile, it was such a touching moment, finally.. after 9mths.. I can put a face to the little pea who has grown so much inside me, I will definitely missed you inside my tummy!!
When I 1st saw him, I thought to myself that 'he is so beautiful!' and he's got a shape nose! His eyes are already opened!! Funnily, I did not cry, guessed I was all mixed up emotionally already.
Here's some pix of our darling baby :)
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