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Who Does Kyrell Resembles...

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Photo Of The Moment
At Universal Studio on 5 June

Friday, September 25, 2009

Diarrhea Again...

Today the Kyrell's school's administrator Christine called me at around 3pm, informing me that Kyrell has diarrhea again, twice and very watery. She said she can still hear him crying from her office. I told them that I will pick Kyrell up. Sent out from email and went over. Lucky thing it is just across a main road and some walking distance from where my workplace is.

When I reached, Kyrell was standing leaning towards 郑 老 师, he was not doing anything in particular, just staring into blank space with his water bottle slung on his neck. I kneeled next to him and called his name. He did not respond initially then when I called again, he turned to me. And was in tears the moment he saw me. My poor boy.. I carried him and find out more from the teacher. 郑 老 师 told me that he poo once before he sleep (after lunch and shower) but it was ok, then a BIG WATERY poo again after he woke up (after his milk intake). 郑 老 师 said it was so watery that it over-flowed from his diaper onto the bedsheet that he was sleeping on. They washed him but he still has the appetite to down one raisin bun which I have prepared.

When I carried Kyrell, I realised that he was much lighter, he has lost so much during his recent diarrhea-vomitting episode :(

I put him on his stroller (for which he was reluctant cos he wants me to carry) and walked to the main road to try get a cab. There isn't any, maybe because it was time for the cabby to change shift. It was nearing 4pm and I could not get through the clinic's line, I have no idea whether they are open or if so, what time they are closed!! I was getting anxious and Kyrell does not seem very well. And it was drizzling abit. Then a cab came and we hoped on. And lucky thing, TMC is just 5 mins away from where we were.

We reached the clinic at around 405pm, with no appointment made or health booklet with us, naturally the assistant wasn't very happy. One lady said "you just walk in like that?", I was not pleased but kept my cool, I told her that I tried calling but could not get through and go on explaining that Kyrell was seen by Dr EK Ong on 10 Sep but is still having the run.. anyway the lady was not rude after that and asked me jot Kyrell's name down on a pc of paper. We waited for about 10 mins before the same lady came over to take Kyrell's temp (no fever) and asked about his condition. I explained with much difficulty cos she was talking really fast, rush rush rush... I almost could not catch my breath "p

When it was our turn to go in, Dr Ong used his stethoscope to listen to Kyrell's stomach and Kyrell told him "baby tummy pain pain" keke... he said it 2-3 times w/o having me ask him to. Then when its turn to stick out his tongue (Dr Ong uses a stick to press onto his tongue), Kyrell refuses to cooperate and was almost in tears. Give up. Dr Ong did not examine further, like the other time, he advised to stop giving him veggie and fruits and diary products. No eggs. No cranberries or such... Stop the med he gave previously and only uses the one he was giving. Continue giving Pediasure (I found out that this is actually lactose free) and if no diarrhea over weekends, it is ok for Kyrell to return to school. For his mild cough and flu, Dr Ong said we can stop giving med for them, it is natural to have it when kids are sent to childcare so treat the important things first. Done.

Medicine prescibed :
1) Pro-4S : 1 Sachet to be taken once daily (3 sachets given)
2) Reutefene : 5 drops daily in the morning
Cost : $90+

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