Today (24 Jul), we met up at Forum Shopping Mall to do lunch in a Jap restaurant. I have not seen Julia since the CNY and she has grown taller and more sociable now. But it did take her awhile to "allow" her mum to carry Kyrell.
Then, she said she wants to read to cousin didi and she did! She has a few books and chose Diego book to read... it was so sweet of Julia! Of cos, Kyrell doesn't understand and is not keen in what she's saying but he did response (smiling) to her once in a while hahaa...
At the end of it as we were going off seperately, Julia seems reluctant to let Kyrell go.. she said "bye" but still follows us around. Well, we were so glad that she has warmed up to Kyrell and seems genuinely interested to play with the young ones :)
Good news to you Mag!
Here's pix of them both.
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