Our office celebrated the end of 2009 with buy-in lunch. Black pepper crabs, Yam ring (with fruits), Pork ribs from Seafood Paradise + Sashimi and Sushi! I packeted Yong Tau Hu for Kyrell but he was so high and tired that he wasn't really in the mood to eat, only ate a small handfuls of them. Finally gave in to him and let him watch DVD at my work station while I finished the rest of the food (wasn't able to eat earlier because he was around) then get down to work :(
Kyrell then slept around 3pm+ and woke up when we were going off, must be exhausted!
Got my work done around 6pm+ and hubby came to fetch us to my mum's place... could have gone off earlier if not for the failure of our company server for the past 2 days argh.. lotsa emails to catch up and work to do before we are closed for the long weekend. Since our Germany office was closed today, not much can be done anyway.
But I did enjoy Kyrell's company with me, in holiday mood and really looking forward to the new year. Dec has always been an exciting and festive month to me.
Thinking back, 2009 has been really rocky to me.
First, Mum got sick in mid year and was admitted to hosp on 1 Jul, only to be diagnosed with (advance-stage 4) cancerous tumour and one of her (right) kidney is failing. To save her better (left) kidney, she has to undergo op immediately to have a tube attached externally (Percutaneous nephrolithotomy, or PCNL) to drain out her urine. Because of the kidney failure, the creatinine level is higher (900+) then norm (120).. sorry I do not know the units of measurement...which means, the toxic level in her body is dangerously high. Over the next months, the level has reduced considerably to acceptable range in Nov. Then she went through another op in end Jul for her stoma (external bowel bag) before she can start her radiotheraphy in Aug. So from 21 Aug to 9 Oct, she went through about 7 weeks of daily treatments, except weekends. Next 2 months were regular check-ups with various doctors and results seems pretty good so far. No complication or fever etc *fingers crossed*
The trips to the SGH & NCC for check-ups, operations, treatments etc, all in the high of H1N1 (Jul-Sep) outbreak makes visiting really troublesome. We need to wear a mask at all times (I bought kids' size mask for Kyrell but he wouldn't wear them for long), sterilised our hands and take our temperature. Anyone with temp or sick will be turned away. And the hosp practised 2-visitor-only policy so each time our family member visits the ward, we have to think of ways to maximise the visit :p
Because my mum was unwell, I have to bring Kyrell to work with me for the whole of Jul then half day in Aug after we enrolled him for half-day care with Learning Vision near my workplace. It was not easy to let Kyrell adjust though teachers commented that he was doing well. The cries whenever I left him just makes my heart break each time. He got pretty sticky to me for the first two months. Then having grown attached to the teachers, he was progressing and adapting well. Got confident and started bullying smaller sized kids... haha... Eventually stopped crying in Nov but now back again when he got promoted to N1 in Dec.
The numerous trip to the hospitals and ferrying Kyrell from school had totally 'disrupted' my rountine. My backache is killing me from carrying Kyrell, walking and doing chores. Not to mention that Kyrell and I were also constantly down with cough and flu since he started school :(
So, what's my resolution/wish for 2010? It will be for my mum to recover! Free from the cancer cells, so lets pray for better results this year. I also hoped that my family will be blessed with good health and happiness. Hubby work to be smooth sailing and that Kyrell will continue to be an obedient boy. Maybe I can start getting my driving license and try for a 2nd baby haha...
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